Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Player of the Day

Sam Gundlach
Position: OP

School Activities: Volleyball, Soccer
Family: 3 sisters
Pets: 2 Dalmations

Favorites- Sport: Volleyball/Soccer
Athlete: David Beckham
Food: Raspberries
Music: Everything!
Move: Little Miss Sunshine
Color: Green
TV Show: Jersey Shore
School Subject: Lunch
Volleyball Memory: Jill... 'nuf said

Dream Job: something with animals or kids

Goal for the Season: Do a complete roll!

Cat or Dog
Pepsi or Coke
Necklace or Earrings
Lose your teeth or lose your hair
Paper or Plastic
Day or Night
Pizza or Cheeseburger
White or Wheat
Kill or Tip
Harry Potter or Twilight
or Mayo
Purple or Gold
Christmas or Birthday
Block or Dig
Chicken or Beef

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