Friday, October 1, 2010

Player of the Day

Kiki Hines
Position: Libero

School Activities: Volleyball, Softball, Jazz Band
Family: Tracy & Dan, Rory

Favorites- Sport: Volleyball
Athlete: Roger Federer
Food: Donuts and Coffee
Color: Purple
Music: RUSH
School Subject: Chemistry
TV Show: House
Book/Series: Avalon

Volleyball Memory: When we had to do pushup in the middle of a drill and some of my sweat dripped on the floor and Kendra slipped, but she was okay.

Dream Job: Pyro

Goal for the Season: To improve my speed adn aggressiveness of my serves, and to get to the ball quicker.

Water or Soda
Pen or Pencil
Day or
or Milky Way
Lose your teeth or your hair
Eminem or Kanye
Kill or Tip
Harry Potter or Twilight
Phone or Facebook
Christmas or Birthday
Hannah Montana or iCarly ewww!
Purple or Gold
Block or
Chicken or Beef

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